Parents Guide

Starting high school is an exciting time!

But it can also be scary and/or stressful because lots of changes are taking place;

  • New routines, different people, more challenging academics, additional activities

A strong support system at home can help your child adjust to the changes that come with starting high school.

Experts believe that a smooth transition to high school sets the stage for success throughout the first year of high school and beyond. Students with involved parents are more likely to:

  • get higher grades, have good attendance, behave better, and feel more positive about school

High school is a time when teens need their parents more than even to help them with the important choices they will be making.

Talk to your teen about high school!

Give your teen your full attention when they are talking. Ask them what they are looking forward to and support their excitement. Ask them what they are nervous or worried about and calm their fears and anxieties. Offer your help.

Learn about the policies of Garden City High School

Make sure you are up-to –date on the rules and expectations of GCHS in order to avoid problems. Our handbook is on the GCKSCHOOLS.COM webpage, under the high school.

Get to know helpful people at Garden City High School.

Email your teen’s teachers, meet their coaches, and get to know their counselor and principal.

Help your teen set goals.

Goal-setting is a great way to help your teen reach his or her full potential in school and life. Write the goals down and put them  someplace visible so you can refer back to them often to check for progress. Be specific, be realistic, and include both short-term and long-term goals. Then help your teen plan ways to reach their goals.

Help your teen be organized.

Check what supplies your student needs for each class. They will need a back pack, binder, notebooks, and pencils/pens. It is also helpful if they use a planner.

Help your teen manage time wisely.

Students need to learn how to prioritize multiple assignments and projects, as well as the time they have available to do school work and other activities. They need to learn how to write to-do lists. It is also helpful to break-down large assignments into smaller tasks. Try to avoid procrastination. Help your teen create a good study space and make nightly study time a habit. Reduce distractions during that time.

Teach your teen healthy habits.

If your teen feels good, he or she will be more likely to succeed in high school. Encourage your teen to;

            -get plenty of rest, be active every day, eat healthy, limit screen time.

Encourage your teen to get involved in school activities.

When students are connected to his/her school, they have greater success. Participating in activities helps students to meet new people, gain self-confidence, and learn team-work and leadership skills. Support your teen in their activities by attending events and donating supplies.

Talk about important issues.

Reassure your teen that although friendships may come and go, you will always be there for him or her. Talk about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Encourage your teen to balance their time with boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, family, studying, working, activities, and having fun. Talk about sex, alcohol, vaping, and drugs. Explain the dangers, the law, school policy, your expectations and consequences. Be sure your teen knows that they can talk to you if they experience any bullying or harassment. If your teen drives, make sure they know your expectations and how to be safe.

Monitor your teen.

Get on-line access to your child’s grades and attendance. Get to know your teen’s friends and know where they are outside of school. Also know their friends’ parents so you can contact them if needed. Discuss internet safety and monitor their devices.